Correlation between each organization. This data shows a correlation where people who select this organization in the filtered search also tend to select this same organization simultaneously. In other words, there is a correlation between the two selections in the search filter.
New Japan (01) Noah
(02) All Japan
(03) DDT
(04) Dragon Gate
(05) Stardom
(06) Big Japan
(07) TJPW
(08) GLEAT
(09) Freedoms
(10) Ice Ribbon
All Japan (01) Noah
(02) New Japan
(03) DDT
(04) Dragon Gate
(05) Big Japan
(06) Stardom
(07) TJPW
(08) GLEAT
(09) Freedoms
(10) Michinoku
Noah (01) New Japan
(02) All Japan
(03) DDT
(04) Dragon Gate
(05) Stardom
(06) Big Japan
(07) TJPW
(08) GLEAT
(09) Freedoms
(10) Sendai Girls
DDT (01) New Japan
(02) Noah
(03) All Japan
(04) Dragon Gate
(05) Big Japan
(06) TJPW
(07) Stardom
(08) GLEAT
(09) Freedoms
(10) Michinoku
Dragon Gate (01) New Japan
(02) DDT
(03) Noah
(04) All Japan
(05) Big Japan
(06) GLEAT
(07) Freedoms
(08) Michinoku
(09) Ice Ribbon
(10) ZERO1
Big Japan (01) DDT
(02) Freedoms
(03) Dragon Gate
(04) New Japan
(05) All Japan
(06) Michinoku
(07) GLEAT
(08) Noah
(09) Basara
(10) FMW-E
Stardom (01) TJPW
(02) Sendai Girls
(03) Marvelous
(04) Actwres girlZ
(05) Ice Ribbon
(06) New Japan
(07) Wave
(08) Diana
(09) Oz Academy
TJPW (01) Stardom
(02) Ice Ribbon
(03) Sendai Girls
(04) Actwres girlZ
(05) Marvelous
(06) Diana
(07) Wave
(09) Oz Academy
(10) COLOR’S
Sendai Girls (01) Marvelous
(02) Wave
(03) Ice Ribbon
(04) Diana
(05) TJPW
(07) Oz Academy
(08) Actwres girlZ
(09) Stardom
Marvelous (01) Wave
(02) Sendai Girls
(03) Diana
(04) Ice Ribbon
(05) Oz Academy
(07) Actwres girlZ
(08) Stardom
(10) COLOR’S
Actwres girlZ (01) Ice Ribbon
(02) Sendai Girls
(03) Diana
(04) Marvelous
(05) TJPW
(06) Wave
(07) Oz Academy
(08) Stardom
(10) COLOR’S
Ice Ribbon (01) Marvelous
(02) Sendai Girls
(03) Actwres girlZ
(04) Diana
(05) TJPW
(06) Wave
(08) Oz Academy
(10) Gatoh Move
Organization approval rating This is a ranking list that aggregates the number of times each organization has been selected as a filtering target by users.
2024-08-31(1week ago)
2024-08-08(1month ago)
2023-09-09(1year ago)
(01) New Japan (02) Stardom (03) All Japan (04) Noah (05) DDT (06) TJPW (07) Dragon Gate (08) Sendai Girls (09) Marvelous (10) Actwres girlZ (11) Ice Ribbon (12) Wave (13) Big Japan (14) Diana (15) Oz Academy (16) SEAdLINNNG (17) COLOR’S (18) PROMINENCE (19) Gatoh Move (20) Evolution (21) JWP (22) Freedoms (23) YMZ (24) hot chouchou (25) GLEAT (26) MARIGOLD (27) Gake no fuchi (28) Michinoku (29) Ganbare (30) JUST TAP OUT
(01) New Japan (02) Stardom (03) All Japan (04) Noah (05) DDT (06) TJPW (07) Dragon Gate (08) Sendai Girls (09) Marvelous (10) Actwres girlZ (11) Ice Ribbon (12) Big Japan (13) Wave (14) Diana (15) Oz Academy (16) SEAdLINNNG (17) COLOR’S (18) PROMINENCE (19) Gatoh Move (20) Freedoms (21) Evolution (22) JWP (23) YMZ (24) GLEAT (25) hot chouchou (26) Gake no fuchi (27) MARIGOLD (28) Michinoku (29) Ganbare (30) JUST TAP OUT
(01) New Japan (02) All Japan (03) Stardom (04) Noah (05) DDT (06) TJPW (07) Dragon Gate (08) Sendai Girls (09) Actwres girlZ (10) Marvelous (11) Big Japan (12) Ice Ribbon (13) Wave (14) Diana (15) Oz Academy (16) SEAdLINNNG (17) COLOR’S (18) Freedoms (19) PROMINENCE (20) Gatoh Move (21) Evolution (22) GLEAT (23) JWP (24) YMZ (25) hot chouchou (26) Michinoku (27) Gake no fuchi (28) Ganbare (29) 666 (30) JUST TAP OUT
(01) New Japan (02) Stardom (03) TJPW (04) Noah (05) All Japan (06) Ice Ribbon (07) DDT (08) Wave (09) Oz Academy (10) Sendai Girls (11) Diana (12) Big Japan (13) Actwres girlZ (14) Marvelous (15) SEAdLINNNG (16) JWP (17) COLOR’S (18) Dragon Gate (19) YMZ (20) Gake no fuchi (21) Gatoh Move (22) Reina (23) PROMINENCE (24) Freedoms (25) Ganbare (26) GLEAT (27) ZERO1 (28) Michinoku (29) Others (30) 666